Sunday, March 28, 2010

Frank and Beans

Not Even the notorious "Frank and beans" bit on "Something about Mary" could prepare a mom for when your son first gets his 'frank' stuck in the zipper...

I mean, what do you do? If you keep zipping up will it get caught even more? Or if you panic and just sit there with complete and utter horror on your face (which I don't recommend because I did) will he be even more terrified? To answer these questions, yes and yes. These are just things dad's are supposed to handle, thankfully Ben was home because it was the weekend or else I don't think Tate's future wife would like me too much for messin up his junk. Thank heavens for dad's...


suzi said...


suzi said...

P.S. Did Tate's dad have anything to say about his Grandma?